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Voron First Print Impressions

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So after many weeks of putting in an hour or two, I have a working Voron! Just to be clear – if you/I was able to focus a day per week on the build you could do it in about a month. And if you could take a few days and really get on it – I would say three to four (REALLY FUN!) days. But the journey has not ended! I still have most all of the cosmetic elements to install and a lot of software to tweak. That’s what makes these types of projects so much fun. You make something for you and possibly friends and family to use AND you have a very good working knowledge of the project once you are done. I’m a firm believer that the day you stop learning you start to age quickly.

So Issue I had… First off, the Dragon HE is probably not the right option for most first-time builders. I’m outright frustrated with both the product and the support. This is why I nearly instantly modified my build to add the Slice Mosquito and added the BondTech LGX. I didn’t need to add the LGX to get things working, the clockwork in my After Burner was doing just fine, however, I decided if I was going to pint and install a new HE it would be a good time to also do the LGX since it’s a very popular mod. Other than the HE – I have had no real issues that were not fixable in a short period of time (Spider Board 1.0 I’m talking about you!)

Here are my first prints before PID tuning or adjusting e-steps. The first with massive amounts of stringing was done with PLA at 220 degrees w/o ANY retraction. The second is with .5. Huge differences. More to come!

Much Better – Really need to adjust e-steps! Probably off by 10-15%